Platform Services

Fermata is the easiest payment stack that unlocks true longterm flexibility for your business.

Connect with a payments specialist
How it works

It starts with a drop-dead simple integration

Start by integrating Fermata's API into your platform. Our straightforward documentation and support team will guide you through the process, ensuring a smooth and quick setup.

Once integrated, access our dashboard to manage your connections, view transaction histories, and monitor real-time analytics, all from one place.

Event ingestion

Fermata ingests event data related to payment captures and payouts. This includes sales, refunds, customer subscriptions, and more.

Smart Payment Capture

Fermata Intelligent Gateway

Fermata automatically routes your payment captures and payouts through the most optimal service. This decision is based on factors like transaction fees, currency conversion rates, and service availability.

Our system dynamically adjusts to changes in the payment ecosystem, ensuring your transactions are always processed efficiently and cost-effectively.


Fermata Global Services

With support for 200+ countries and 50+ currencies, Fermata opens the door to global commerce. Expand your business internationally with ease, knowing your payment infrastructure can scale with you.

Fermata supports transmitting payouts around the world.

Our platform ensures compliance with international payment regulations and provides top-tier security measures to protect your transactions and customer data.

Fermata is more than just a payment solution. It's your partner in global commerce.

Explore the possibilities with us and take your business to new heights.