
Fermata makes it easy to capture revenue and payments from any product event on your platform.

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A single throughline from product event to cash

Fermata provides your team a single API to stream product usage events.

Then attach pricing and COGS within the Fermata Control interface. We'll automatically calculate billing transactions and charge your customers using the right payment gateway.

Start by streaming product events into the platform.

Then use the plan designer to craft your plans and tiers.

Real-time event processing

Avoid the pitfalls of batch processing with Fermata's high-availability engine.

The Fermata engine scales horizontally to absorb, process and and complete billing calculations in real-time. Fermata can process hundreds of thousands of events per second.

Real-time matters when you have significant COGS on the line. The instant customers exhaust platform credits or their prepaid balance, Fermata pauses their access.

Never lose a deal due to pricing capabilities

Fermata supports all common billing models out of the box. Plus, you can use our Plan Designer to customize and build the plan that best fits your business model.

  • Pay-as-you-go
  • Usage based pricing
  • Recurring plan + overage
  • Subscription
  • Flexible tiering
  • Seat-based with proration
  • Multi-metered usage plans
  • Usage plans with top-ups + overage
  • Free trial plans
  • Plans with flexible renewal cadences
  • Net value usage billing
  • Fully custom plans

Fermata unlocks your go-to-market team. Enabling you to design and deploy an infinite set of plans to meet customer use cases. Gate access to each plan by customer, segment, region, and more.

Future-proof your platform’s billing & payments, for free

Process up to $1 Million in annual revenue for free.

One platform, dozens of gateways

Fermata provides a single, clean user experience for accepting credit card and direct bank payments within your app. Capture payment once, and then shift across a wide variety of credit card processors.

Optimize for capture rates, pricing, and currency conversion. Fermata handles the PCI compliance, so you can shift processors seamlessly. No PAN data exports required.

Payments with a global passport

Collect payments using local payment rails in hundreds of markets. Fermata supports unique, country-specific instant payment methods as well as global payment rails like bank direct debits and wire transfers.

“I really don’t want to build any of this”

See why top platforms are switching to Fermata to orchestrate payments and get back to building their products.

Keep a close eye on COGS

Easily track your costs associated with each platform usage event. This enables your teams to monitor margin across plans, accounts, and your business at large.

Fermata manages cost modeling for both credit & token systems as well as direct fiat currencies

Tie feature flags to subscription plans

Fermata's Flag system enables you to include both usage based events and product feature flags on a single plan.

When customers change plans or miss payments, Fermata automatically gates feature access.