Fermata is the last payments platform you’ll ever need.

From first dollar to your billionth.
From your MVP to IPO.

Fermata is revolutionizing the way businesses handle global payments by offering a unified API that connects any payment capture and payout service. With Fermata, you can easily integrate with leading services like Stripe, Braintree, dLocal, and eBanx, optimizing your payment processes and expanding your market reach without the hassle of multiple integrations.

We built Fermata, so you can forget about payments with confidence.

Our team has built billing platforms that process billions in dollars a year — and have seen how much time and resources you often have to dedicate to back office tasks of billing, payment capture, and remittances.

We built Fermata so you can focus on your platform, and leave the payment code out of your app, because we believe if everyone could just focus on building the products that mattered and not payments, it'd just be unicorns and rainbows from there.

Founding team

Derrick Wolbert, CEO (above, left)
Reuben Balik, CTO (above, center)
Q Carlson, CPO (above, right)
Bellsouth, Managing Director of Global Services (pictured right)